2024 Bridging the Gap "Christmas in Coweta" Update

"An astounding 2285 Kids were Served through Christmas in Coweta! 🎁🎅 This program would not be possible without the 19 churches ⛪️ 6 schools 🏫 23 businesses 🧱 9 communities or civic groups 🤝 and 86 individuals who shared Christmas cheer to kids! This truly shows the power of community and kindness! 💫 A HUGE thank you to Brent Scarbrough & Company, Inc. for their unwavering support and use of their hanger! 🙌 Without them, this event wouldn't have been possible. Out of the hanger, we were able to serve 901 children and 411 families. 🎉🎄 We also want to express our heartfelt gratitude to CrossFit HigherGround 🏋️♂️ for the funds raised, which made shopping for gifts a reality. 🎁💪 Big thanks to Piedmont and the Western Alumni Association 🏫 for their incredible toy drives—your generosity made all the difference!" - Bridging the Gap Facebook Post Here are some of the responses from recipients of this amazing program.